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4 Best Mandolin Vst Plugins

best mandolin vst

The mandolin is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that has been used in various genres of music, including folk, bluegrass, and classical. In recent years, the use of virtual instruments has become increasingly popular in music production. Mandolin VST plugins are virtual instruments that recreate the sound of a mandolin through software.

What are Mandolin VST Plugins

A Virtual Studio Technology (VST) plugin is a software component that can be integrated into digital audio workstations (DAWs). It allows users to add different instrument sounds to their projects without physically owning them.

A Mandolin VST plugin is a virtual instrument that simulates the sound of a real mandolin. It produces sound samples based on various articulations, such as plucking or strumming, and the notes played by the user on their MIDI keyboard or controller.

Mandolin VST Plugins in Music Production

Mandolin VST plugins provide an affordable and accessible way for musicians to incorporate the unique sound of the mandolin into their projects. They eliminate the need for expensive equipment and studio time to record live performances with a real mandolin.

Additionally, they offer greater flexibility in terms of editing and mixing as well as providing access to additional articulations not always easy or practical to achieve on traditional recordings. In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for authentic-sounding virtual instruments in music production.

This is especially true for traditional acoustic instruments like mandolins that may be difficult to record accurately or have limited availability for recording session time with live performers. The realism offered by these plugins can elevate a project’s overall quality impressively while also providing opportunities to create genres outside traditional applications like folk or bluegrass music.

Top 4 Best Mandolin VST Plugins

If you are looking to add a mandolin sound to your music, but don’t have access to a real mandolin or don’t have the proper skills to play one, then using a Virtual Studio Technology (VST) plugin is the best option.

 With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to find the best one that will meet your needs. Here is a list of the top 5 best mandolins VST plugins that have been tried and tested by music experts and enthusiasts alike.

Mandolin v1.5

best mandolin plugin

Ronroco - v2 NI

Acou6tics strings

Evolution Mandolin

Mandolin v1.5

best mandolin plugin

This VST is a great choice for anyone looking for a versatile and realistic mandolin sound. It offers a wide range of articulations, including pizzicato, arco, and tremolo, as well as four different mandolins to choose from. The effects included with this VST are also top-notch, and the user interface is easy to use and navigate.



  • 12 articulations, including pizzicato, arco, and tremolo
  • 4 different mandolins to choose from
  • A variety of effects, including reverb, chorus, and delay
  • A user-friendly interface

Ronroco v2

The Ronroco v2 is a virtual instrument that emulates the sound of the Ronroco, a stringed instrument from the Andean region. It has a warm, mellow tone that is perfect for a variety of genres, including film scores, folk music, and world music. The Ronroco v2 features a variety of articulations, including pizzicato, arco, and strumming, as well as a built-in arpeggiator and effects.


  • Warm, mellow tone
  • Variety of articulations
  • Built-in arpeggiator and effects
  • Easy to use
  • Compatible with the Kontakt platform


The Acou6tics VST mandolin is a virtual instrument that emulates the sound of a real mandolin. It has a warm, bright tone that is perfect for a variety of genres, including bluegrass, folk, and country. The Acou6tics VST mandolin features a variety of articulations, including pizzicato, arco, and strumming, as well as a built-in arpeggiator and effects.


  • Warm, bright tone
  • Variety of articulations
  • Built-in arpeggiator and effects
  • Easy to use
  • Compatible with the VST platform

Evolution Mandolin

This VST is another great option for those looking for a realistic mandolin sound. It offers 16 articulations, including pizzicato, arco, and harmonics, as well as three different mandolins to choose from. The effects included with this VST are also very good, and the user interface is easy to use and navigate.


16 articulations, including pizzicato, arco, and harmonics
3 different mandolins to choose from
A variety of effects, including reverb, chorus, and delay
A user-friendly interface

What to Consider Before Making a Purchase Decision?

When it comes to choosing the best mandolin VST plugin for you, there are several factors that you need to consider before making a purchase decision. One of the most important factors is your price range. Mandolin VST plugins can vary widely in price, and it’s important to set a budget that you’re comfortable with before you start looking at different options.

Another important factor to consider is sound quality. While all mandolin VST plugins aim to provide realistic and high-quality sounds, some do a better job than others.

Look for plugins that offer multiple articulations and dynamic layers, as these will help create a more natural and nuanced sound. Consider the user interface of the plugin.

Some mandolin VST plugins have intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces, while others may be more complicated or require a steeper learning curve. It’s important to find a plugin that not only sounds great but also feels comfortable and intuitive when working with it in your music production software.

3 Tips To Make VST Mandolin Sound Natural

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When selecting a VST mandolin, choose one that offers high-quality, realistic samples. Look for a VST instrument that accurately captures the nuances of a real mandolin, including the attack, sustain, and decay of each note. This will help ensure that your virtual mandolin sounds authentic.

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To make your VST mandolin sound more natural, add humanization and variation to the performance. Use techniques like randomizing the velocity of each note, introducing subtle pitch variations, and applying slight timing deviations. This will mimic the imperfections of a real mandolin player, giving your virtual instrument a more organic feel.

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Articulations and phrasing play a crucial role in creating a realistic mandolin sound. Experiment with different playing techniques, such as hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides, and trills. Adjust the dynamics and timing of each note to convey the expressive qualities of a skilled mandolin player. This attention to detail will enhance the authenticity of your VST mandolin performance.

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