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Supersaw Synth: Design, Creation, and Application

supersaw synth

Welcome to the ultimate guide on mastering the art of Supersaw Synth! In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the practical aspects of designing, creating, and applying the powerful Supersaw sound in modern music production. Buckle up as we explore the intricacies of waveform design, detuning strategies, modulation techniques, and effects to craft captivating sonic landscapes that will leave your listeners in awe.

Synth’s beginner guide

The Genesis of Supersaw: Roland JP-8000's Influence

The Supersaw sound traces its roots back to the legendary Roland JP-8000 synthesizer. Released in the late 1990s, this iconic instrument revolutionized electronic music with its Unison mode and detuned oscillators. These advancements laid the foundation for the Supersaw synthesis technique, a sound that continues to shape contemporary music production.

The Supersaw Effect: Science Behind the Sound

At its core, the Supersaw waveform comprises multiple detuned sawtooth waves layered together. This harmonic layering creates a lush, wide, and harmonically rich sound that sets the Supersaw apart from conventional synthesizer sounds. Let’s explore how detuning and phase shifting play a vital role in achieving this captivating effect.

Designing Your Supersaw Synth: Tips and Techniques

Creating a compelling Supersaw sound starts with choosing the right oscillators and waveforms. By experimenting with different combinations and modulation options, you can unlock innovative and exciting textures that will elevate your music.

Utilizing Envelopes and Modulation for Expressive Sound

Envelopes and modulation sources are essential tools for adding movement and dynamics to your Supersaw sound. Learn how to use them thoughtfully to create expressive and evolving textures that breathe life into your compositions.

Incorporating Filters and Effects to Shape Your Sound

Filters and effects play a significant role in shaping the Supersaw sound. From subtle filtering to lush reverb and delay, these tools add the finishing touches to your Supersaw patches, making them stand out in the mix.

Mastering the Art of Layering: Utilizing Multiple Oscillators

To take your Supersaw sound to the next level, mastering the art of layering is crucial. Blend oscillators with different waveforms and timbres to achieve a balanced and harmonically rich texture that will captivate your audience.

Layering is a technique that involves combining multiple sound sources to create a more complex and unique audio output. When applied to Supersaw synthesis, it allows you to go beyond the traditional single oscillator approach and create a much richer and captivating sound. By blending oscillators with different waveforms, you can add depth and character to your Supersaw, making it more interesting and engaging for listeners.

Consider experimenting with various waveforms like square waves, triangle waves, or even more exotic ones like wavetables. Each waveform has its own distinct qualities, and combining them creatively can lead to fascinating results. Adjusting the detuning and pitch of each oscillator can also introduce phase interactions, widening the stereo image and making the sound more immersive.

But it doesn’t stop there. Adding filters, envelopes, and modulation sources into the mix can further shape the sound and add movement to your Supersaw. This creates an evolving and dynamic soundscape that evolves over time, adding excitement and energy to your music.

Layering Supersaws with Other Synth Elements

Expand your sonic palette by combining Supersaw sounds with other synthesizer elements. Experiment with blending Supersaw with virtual analog, wavetable, or FM synthesis to create hybrid sounds that stand out in the mix.


Harmonic Richness With Supersaw

Discover how the Supersaw can bring harmonic richness to your music, from captivating chords and pads to powerful lead and bass lines. Embrace the wonders of Supersaw synthesis to add emotional depth and warmth to your tracks.

Creative Sound Design with Distortion and Modulation

Push the boundaries of traditional sound design by experimenting with distortion and modulation. Unleash unconventional and cutting-edge sounds that will set your music apart from the crowd.

Mixing and Mastering Tips for Supersaw Synth Tracks

Balancing your Supersaw within the mix and mastering your track effectively are essential to realizing its full potential. Learn techniques to deliver polished and professional final products that stand out in any playlist.

Mixing Your Music

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Supersaw Synth Techniques

Explore the world of diverse possibilities by combining different synthesizers and pushing the Supersaw beyond its conventional boundaries. Create hybrid Supersaw sounds with unique textures that will redefine your sonic landscape.

Experiment with detuning multiple voices in the unison to create a richer and wider supersaw sound. Slight variations in pitch add a lush and spacious feel.

Apply slight phase shifts between the oscillators to avoid phase cancellation and create a thicker sound. This can be done using the oscillator phase controls or plugins.

Modulate the cutoff frequency of a low-pass or high-pass filter with an envelope or LFO to add movement and dynamics to the sound.

Use pulse waves and modulate their pulse width to introduce harmonic variations and add a unique character to the supersaw.

Combine different waveforms (sine, square, triangle) alongside saw waves to enhance the harmonic content and shape the overall timbre.

Experiment with FM synthesis to modulate the frequency of one oscillator with another. This can lead to interesting timbral changes and metallic textures.

Apply chorus or flanger effects to the supersaw to further widen the sound and add a sense of movement.

Use stereo widening techniques to enhance the spatial presence of the supersaw, such as stereo enhancers or stereo widening plugins.


Carefully EQ the supersaw to carve out unwanted frequencies and emphasize specific harmonics, leading to a more balanced and polished sound.


Split the supersaw into multiple parallel signal chains and apply different processing (e.g., saturation, distortion, modulation) to each one. Then, blend them back together for a more complex and unique sound.

Automate various parameters over time, such as filter cutoff, detune amount, or LFO rate, to create evolving and dynamic supersaw textures.

Supersaw Synth: Related Topics

Supersaw in the Music Industry Influential Tracks and Artists

Discover iconic tracks and artists that showcase the Supersaw sound’s impact on various music genres. From classic trance anthems to contemporary chart-toppers, the Supersaw has left an indelible mark on music history.

Recommended Resources and Tools for Supersaw Synth Enthusiasts

For those eager to explore Supersaw synthesis, a range of resources and tools are available, from must-have virtual instrument plugins to online tutorials and workshops. Stay updated on the latest events and opportunities dedicated to Supersaw synthesis.

Your Journey with Supersaw Synth

As you embark on your journey with Supersaw synthesis, we encourage you to share your experiences with fellow musicians and producers. Learn from each other, exchange tips, and embrace the ever-evolving world of sound creation.

Evolution of Supersaw in Modern Synths

The Supersaw sound has continued to evolve over the years, thanks to advancements in technology and innovation in modern synthesizers. Explore the latest developments and improvements that have enhanced the Supersaw synthesis technique.

Supersaw Sound Design for Film and Video Game Music

Explore the application of Supersaw synthesis in the world of film and video game music. Learn how to use the Supersaw to create epic soundscapes, emotional themes, and impactful soundtracks that complement visual storytelling.

Using Supersaw in Different Music Genres

Beyond its origins in electronic dance music, the Supersaw sound has found its way into various music genres. Discover how artists and producers have utilized the Supersaw to add a unique touch to their music, from pop to EDM and beyond.


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